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Tundra’s Hearth Canadian Landscape Art

Tundra’s Hearth 
AVAILABLE Oil 20″x24″  

It would seem I wouldn’t have written anything if I weren’t influenced by Canada’s history, its weather, the landscape, and its stories.
–Anne McDonald, Canadian award-winning author.

The landscapes of this country have brought forth ideals and values that far transcend colours and cultural backgrounds of its people.

It is through these ideals and values that we find ourselves reflected in the natural beauty that is Canada.

From east to west, north and to the south, we immerse ourselves in the natural landscapes of this country and find ourselves reflected in the mountains, bodies of water, forests, and prairie lands across this land of ours.

The Yukon is synonymous with perseverance and grandeur. The mountain-scape reflected in this oil painting speaks to the harsh, bitter cold of the land while exhibiting the warm blood of its people.

Their generosity, spirit and kindness are reflected as a form of salutation for one and for all.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(647) 889-6297

Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 10am – 5pm
Weekends: 10am – 4pm
Holidays: Closed

Canadian Landscape Art

Canadian Landscape Art
